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Computer Access Lending Policy Library Dlivery Services


Learning Resources Center (LRC) Computer Use

This computer use policy is specific to the Learning Resources Center (LRC) computers, but is superseded by the Odessa College Computer Use Policy.

  • Computers are for the Odessa College students, staff, faculty, and community users.
  • All users should log off of computers 15 minutes prior to closing.
  • It is recommended that you save often. The college is not responsible for any information that may be lost or damaged.
  • Please respect the rights of others. The LRC department supports First Amendment rights. However, some computer sites are restricted. Please see the Odessa College Computer Use Policy.
  • The LRC adheres to copyright laws.
  • The LRC department reserves the right to limit printing.


Who is eligible for Library Delivery Service?

Students currently enrolled at Odessa College. Items may be mailed to the student’s home or to his/her nearest OC Extension Center. For students who have disabilities please contact Linda Harris, or call (432) 335-6639.

Materials available for distance learners and for delivery.

A large portion of Odessa College’s resources are available online through Super Search. Super Search is the link for students to access all journal articles digitally. This allows students immediate access to materials for their studies. Odessa College also has a large number of books available digitally for students as well.

For those materials not available digitally, Odessa College does offer the service of photocopying sections of books (30 page limit). No more than one chapter from a book can be sent due to copyright restrictions. The library must own the book in order to send it. Non book materials (i.e media) cannot be requested. Distance students using the delivery service may only have two books checked out at a time.

How are the items sent?

Non digital library books will be sent by US Postal Service, normally within two business days of when the order is received. Chapters from books will be mailed or emailed (PDF file).

The checkout period for books for distance students is 28 days with one renewal. (Providing there is not a hold on the item) No books will be mailed within 28 days of the end of any semester; however, photocopies of chapters or articles can be sent until Finals Week. Photocopies do not need to be returned.

How do I renew?

Books may be renewed online as long as they are not overdue. If items are overdue, the student must call or email the library at 432-335-6640 or

What is the cost for delivery service?


Domestic and APO/FPO addresses: $2.00, plus $0.50 for each additional item mailed in same package.

International addresses: $4.00, plus $1.00 for each additional item mailed in same package.

Make out a check or money order in US dollars to Odessa College and send separately or enclose with books when returning them. For information on paying by credit card, please contact the library at 432-335-6640 or email Linda Harris at Lost/damaged books or unpaid fees will cause a block to be placed on the students records. All outstanding books or fees for the library need to be resolved before transcripts are released.

How do I return the books?

The returning postage is the responsibility of the student. Please wrap books securely and return to:

Circulation Dept.-Odessa College LRC

201 W. University Blvd.

Odessa, TX 79764-7127

Students are responsible for books checked out until they are checked in again at the library. Please insure the books in order to help track any lost materials. The library recommends that US residents return items via UPS due to the automatic tracking and $100 insurance per package.

What if the OC Library does not own the item I need?

TexShare: Residents in Texas may use the TexShare card program to check out materials from any participating academic or public library in Texas. Students in good standing with the Odessa College library may request a TexShare card to be mailed to them. Please call the library at 432-335-6640 or email,, or Many other states offer reciprocal borrowing programs similar to TexShare. Students outside of Texas should contact their local public libraries for information. Community users must get their TexShare card from their public library.

Interlibrary Loan:

Books are not available through our Interlibrary Loan service for mail delivery to distance students. The OC library must own the book in order to send it. Please contact the Interlibrary Loan office at your local public library.


Library Card

Odessa College students, faculty and staff can use their OC ID number to check out books and other items from the LRC. Community members interested in checking out books from the LRC will be issued a library card for use.

Borrowing Privileges

Books may be checked out for two weeks. Ten books total is the checkout limit. Students may place a hold on a book that is already checked out and LRC staff will notify students when the book is available. OC Librarians and LRC staff members reserve the right to limit academic materials by subject area depending on supply and demand. 

Current magazines are located on the first floor. Magazines are unavailable for check out.

Overdues & Lost/Damaged Materials

The Registrar is notified of all delinquencies and transcripts are withheld until books are returned. All overdue, lost, or damaged materials should be returned or paid for in order to clear student, staff and faculty records. Students who fail to clear LRC delinquencies are blocked from registering for subsequent semesters or graduating. Community members are also financially responsible for any lost or damaged materials.


The LRC will periodically conduct an inventory of all or part of the collection in order to have an accurate account of what is owned and what is lost or missing. Prior to inventory all items which are checked out will need to be returned to the LRC. Faculty and Staff will receive advance notice of any upcoming inventories.


Donations of books and periodicals by faculty/staff are always welcome. Donations not needed for the collection may be assigned to the Foundation Scholarship Cart where they are sold to raise money for scholarships or passed up if determined of no value to the institution. Memorials may be donated in the name of a deceased friend or relative. Books donated or purchased as memorials are designated with a bookplate, and an acknowledgment is sent according to the instructions of the donor. Linda Harris will assist you at extension 6639.


The LRC invites any and all suggestions for improving resources and services. The LRC is a flexible entity with the primary objective of enhancing and improving institutional and learning opportunities. As with any such entity, there is always room for improvement. Complaints are taken seriously and will be answered immediately. You may contact the LRC staff at for further discussion.

Interlibrary Loan Service

Interlibrary loan is a service offered by libraries to their users who are unable to locate an item in their local library. An interlibrary loan is a process where lending libraries around the nation will lend an item to another library.

When items cannot be found in the LRC or any of the local libraries students, faculty, and staff may fill out the Interlibrary Loan Request web form.

Notice: Murry H Fly LRC will adhere to the Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, U.S. Code) and follow the guidelines of the Interlibrary Loan Code for the United States.

Items available through Interlibrary Loan

Books and photocopies of non-circulating items such as magazines (in accordance with copyright laws) are usually available for interlibrary loan. Some items that libraries usually do not loan out are textbooks, reference materials, reserve materials, dissertations, media materials (videos, DVD’s, or CD’s), high usage materials, or best sellers.

Receiving Interlibrary Loans

LRC requests items through an online interlibrary loan computer system. Times for receiving items can vary depending on the request, location of lending libraries, and availability. An item can take a week or up to four to six weeks.

Loan Period and Restrictions

Most libraries offer check out periods between two and four weeks. Libraries may request an item back at anytime according to national interlibrary loan standards. Items can also have restrictions such as no renewals, etc. Individuals are limited to five items.

Pickup and Return Location

Items are picked up and returned to LRC staff. When returning an item, please give it to LRC staff. Do not use the book drop.


Normally, libraries do not charge a fee for an interlibrary loan. In cases where a fee is charged, the cost is usually less than two dollars. If it is more, you will be contacted before the loan is initiated.

For more information contact:

Linda Harris
Student Learning Resources (SLR) Department